
Michigan HEMA Association Website

A New Website

We now have a website,, as an option to display and post information. The initial driver for this was limitations to what can be effectively presented on Facebook. Additionally, this can be a place to share information with people who do not regularly use Facebook.

It should be noted that this is a “work in progress” and it is expect that the content to evolve with our needs – input on how to best use this site is appreciated (Contact).

The Michigan HEMA Association’s Facebook Group will continue to serve as a general discussion and information medium as it has in the past.

To receive notices when there is a new post on the website, register your email on the site – see below for more information.

Site management

The site is currently using software. This isn’t cast in stone but it is a starting point that includes a lot of options.

With WordPress, the site content and management can be shared among multiple people. If you would like to post on the website and/or are interested in managing the content, please register on the site and then email: posting and content managing options, please see “User Roles” below)

Site Registration

To post on the site or receive notifications of a new post, it is necessary to register as a “user” with your email.

Registration Process

The link to register can be found in the sidebar or at the bottom of any page depending on the size of the screen of your device.

You will need to provide a valid email address – a link will be sent to complete the process and add a password.

Note that sometimes these emails will end up in your SPAM folder – check there if you don’t see the link email in your INBOX.

User Roles

Subscriber: Subscribers receive notifications of new posts and can post comments – This is the default role given to anyone who registers.

Contributor: Contributors can also write, edit, and delete their own unpublished posts, but those posts need to be reviewed and published by an Admin or Editor.

Author: Authors can publish, edit, or delete their own posts, but they can’t access anything created by other users. They also cannot create, edit, or delete site pages.

Editor: Editors can access all of the content, but not themes, plugins, or widgets. Editors can publish, edit, or delete any page or post. They can also moderate comments and manage categories and links. In short, editors can do almost anything with content, but they can’t change any settings.

Administrator: Administrators can perform every task available through the WordPress dashboard, including changing themes, modifying core files, and changing other users’ roles. Admins also have complete control over all content.

Once again, if you wish to post on the site or otherwise manage content, please email after registering.